How does slitter rewinder machine maintain constant tension on the material during the slitting and rewinding process?


Maintaining constant tension on the material during the slitting and rewinding process is crucial for producing high-quality rolls and avoiding issues such as wrinkling, stretching, or tearing of the material. Slitter rewinder machines use several technologies and mechanisms to achieve this:

Tension Control Systems
Dancer Rolls:
Function: Dancer rolls are weighted or spring-loaded rolls that move up and down to compensate for tension changes. They provide immediate feedback to the tension control system by adjusting their position based on the material tension.
Operation: When the tension decreases, the dancer roll moves up, and when the tension increases, it moves down. This movement adjusts the speed of the unwind or rewind motors to maintain constant tension.

Load Cells:
Function: Load cells are sensors that measure the force exerted by the material on the rollers. They provide precise tension readings to the control system.
Operation: The load cells continuously monitor the tension and send this data to the tension control system, which adjusts the motor speeds or brake pressure to maintain the desired tension.

Brake and Clutch Systems:
Function: These systems control the unwind tension by applying varying levels of resistance to the unwind roll.
Operation: Pneumatic or electromagnetic brakes and clutches can adjust the resistance based on feedback from tension sensors, ensuring consistent tension as the roll diameter changes.

Feedback Control Loops
Closed-Loop Control:
Function: Closed-loop control systems use real-time feedback from tension sensors to adjust the motor speeds and brake pressures automatically.
Operation: The system continuously compares the actual tension with the desired setpoint and makes instant corrections to maintain constant tension.

Open-Loop Control:
Function: Open-loop systems rely on pre-set parameters and do not use real-time feedback. They are less common in modern machines due to their lower precision.
Operation: Based on initial settings, the system controls the tension without adjusting for real-time variations, which can be less effective for maintaining constant tension.

Motor Control
Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs):
Function: VFDs control the speed of the motors driving the unwind and rewind rolls.
Operation: By adjusting the motor speed, VFDs help maintain the correct tension throughout the slitting and rewinding process, compensating for changes in roll diameter.

Servo Motors:
Function: Servo motors provide precise control of the roll speed and tension.
Operation: They offer high responsiveness and accuracy, making them ideal for maintaining constant tension in high-precision slitting and rewinding applications.

Tension Zones
Multiple Tension Zones:
Function: Slitter rewinder machines often divide the process into multiple tension zones (unwind, slitting, and rewind).
Operation: Each zone has its own tension control system, allowing for precise tension management at each stage of the process. This approach ensures that the tension is maintained correctly throughout the entire operation.

Web Guides and Edge Sensors
Web Guides:
Function: Web guides help keep the material aligned during the slitting process.
Operation: By ensuring proper alignment, web guides contribute to consistent tension across the material width.
Edge Sensors:
Function: Edge sensors detect the position of the material edges.
Operation: These sensors help adjust the alignment and tension of the material, ensuring that it remains stable and correctly positioned.

By utilizing these systems and technologies, slitter rewinder machines can maintain constant tension on the material, ensuring high-quality, consistent results during the slitting and rewinding process.

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Unwinding core size and type
3 6 paper plastic steel
Sliting Way

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