Global Market and Sales Service Agent

Dahua and their agents

Dahua customers’ site

Our agents

  • Peter Schmitz Wickeltechnik

    Address : Koelner Str.62,54578, Walsdorf, Germany

    Phone : 0049-6593-2150019

    E-mail : [email protected]


    Address : 218/219,Rex Chambers,Walchand Hira- chand Marg,Ballard Estate,Mumbai 400 001,India

    Phone : 0091-22-2269-8150

    E-mail : [email protected]

We look forward to and welcome the new agent friends to join us.

If you interest, send us a message!
Our Company

Hangzhou Dahua Industry Control Technology Co.,Ltd.

Zhejiang Huachuang Mechatronics Technology Co.,Ltd.


    No. 4 Floor,Block B, Lotus Business Center, No. 333 Lotus Street, Xihu District, Hangzhou City, 310013, China


    No. 698 Huancheng North Road, Deqing Economic Development Zone, Zhejiang Province, 313202, China




    [email protected]

Contact Us

Application Area
Unwinding core size and type
3 6 paper plastic steel
Sliting Way

*Please fill in the questionnaire and send to us. We will contact you for the detail discussion and recommend suitable machine accordingly.